The J.K. Rowling Index

List of all J.K. Rowling's writings.

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The Daily Prophet Newsletter #4

Index ID: DP4 — Publication date: October 1st, 1999

Note: In the late 1990s, Bloomsbury created an Official Harry Potter Fan Club and invited children from Britain to join. There was never a United States chapter of the Club. One of the perks for joining the Club was several issues of The Daily Prophet, a three-page newsletter detailing goings-on in the wizarding world. Each of these newsletters bore the notice ©J.K.Rowling and, according to Bloomsbury, they were written by her. (The Harry Potter Lexicon)
Only the beginning of this text can be displayed here for research purposes. I apologize!


Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, has announced Ministry plans to introduce new laws preventing witches and wizards celebrating Hallowe’en ‘too enthusiastically.’

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Index ID: HPPOA — Publication date: July 8th, 1999

Only the beginning of this text can be displayed here for research purposes. I apologize!

Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways. For one thing, he hated the summer holidays more than any other time of year. For another, he really wanted to do his homework, but was forced to do it in secret, in the dead of night. And he also happened to be a wizard.

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The Daily Prophet Newsletter #3

Index ID: DP3 — Publication date: June 1st, 1999

Note: In the late 1990s, Bloomsbury created an Official Harry Potter Fan Club and invited children from Britain to join. There was never a United States chapter of the Club. One of the perks for joining the Club was several issues of The Daily Prophet, a three-page newsletter detailing goings-on in the wizarding world. Each of these newsletters bore the notice ©J.K.Rowling and, according to Bloomsbury, they were written by her. (The Harry Potter Lexicon)
Only the beginning of this text can be displayed here for research purposes. I apologize!


Globin resentment towards the Department for the Regulation of Control of Magic Creatures erupted last night in violent scenes in the village of Chipping Clodbury.

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The Daily Prophet Newsletter #2

Index ID: DP2 — Publication date: February 2nd, 1999

Note: In the late 1990s, Bloomsbury created an Official Harry Potter Fan Club and invited children from Britain to join. There was never a United States chapter of the Club. One of the perks for joining the Club was several issues of The Daily Prophet, a three-page newsletter detailing goings-on in the wizarding world. Each of these newsletters bore the notice ©J.K.Rowling and, according to Bloomsbury, they were written by her. (The Harry Potter Lexicon)
Only the beginning of this text can be displayed here for research purposes. I apologize!


Scandal hit the Improper Use of Magic Office yesterday, as an enquiry was launched into the mysterious disappearance of a Muggle ‘tube train’ on Friday evening.

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The Daily Prophet Newsletter #1

Index ID: DP1 — Publication date: July 31st, 1998

Note: In the late 1990s, Bloomsbury created an Official Harry Potter Fan Club and invited children from Britain to join. There was never a United States chapter of the Club. One of the perks for joining the Club was several issues of The Daily Prophet, a three-page newsletter detailing goings-on in the wizarding world. Each of these newsletters bore the notice ©J.K.Rowling and, according to Bloomsbury, they were written by her. (The Harry Potter Lexicon)
Only the beginning of this text can be displayed here for research purposes. I apologize!


A long-awaited Ministry for Magic report made public today warns against the dangers of underestimating Muggles.

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J.K. Rowling’s Diary

Index ID: JKRD — Publication date: July 26th, 1998

Note: Published on Sunday Times.

Cafe society: At least once a week I go into Nicolsons, the cafe in Edinburgh where I wrote much of my first novel, Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone. The manager and owners are friends these days – or maybe they’re just relieved I now order food. I do most of my press interviews in the cafe partly out of gratitude for all the times they let me sit over one cold espresso for two hours.

I don’t often write in there these days because I feel too self-conscious, but I did a radio interview two days ago and it’s quite difficult to answer questions sensibly when half the staff, your sister and your daughter are giggling insanely across the restaurant about how stupid you look in a pair of headphones.

Overnight sensation: This time last year an American publisher bought the rights to Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone for what they call a “substantial sum”. My life changed literally overnight. I put down the telephone to my agent, Christopher, in a state of advanced shock (I think my contribution to the conversation consisted almost entirely of the words “How much? I don’t believe it”), walked around my flat for hours in a kind of nervous frenzy, went to bed at about 2am, and was awoken by the telephone early next morning. It didn’t stop ringing for a week. It was a Cinderella story for the press; broke, divorced mother writes in cafes while her daughter naps beside her, and finally strikes it lucky. I had never expected anyone to be interested in me personally; my wildest fantasies hadn’t gone much further than the book being published and the pinnacle of achievement seemed to me to be a review in a quality newspaper. Suddenly to see my own grinning face looming out of half a dozen papers, all captioned along the lines of “penniless single mother Joanne Rowling”, was a disorientating experience.

Roll up, roll up: I’ve just come back from a series of public signings and readings in bookshops and schools in England and Scotland to launch the second Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and it’s been one of the best weeks of my life. I’ve met 10-year-olds who have turned up with their own stories to show me, girls who have passed me fan letters, purple with embarrassment, boys who have stared at the floor while their mothers poke them in the small of the back, urging them to tell me how much they liked the book (“He couldn’t put it down, could you, Daniel? You’ve read it six times, haven’t you Daniel? Haven’t you Daniel? Say something, Daniel.”) The very best moment was meeting the mother of a dyslexic nine-year-old, who told me Harry Potter was the first book he’d ever finished all by himself. She said she’d burst into tears when she found him reading it in bed the morning after she’d read the first two chapters aloud to him. I’m not sure I managed to convey to her what a wonderful thing that was to hear, because I thought I was going to cry too.

As a former teacher there is a blissful feeling of irresponsibility in facing a roomful of children and knowing all you’re supposed to do is to entertain them and to hell with keeping discipline. I must say, though, that not one of the children I’ve seen in the last week has been anywhere near as rude as the pair of teachers who sat talking right through my reading while 60 beautifully behaved children sat listening to every word.

I wanted to stop and say loudly, “We’ll wait until you’ve finished your conversation, shall we?” but I am a coward so I merely read more loudly.

Sour gripes: Public signings occasionally attract members of a scary breed: the Unpublished and Indignant Writer. I used to belong to a more pathetic sub-species (Unpublished and Depressed), so the mentality of Mr Indignant is difficult for me to fathom. I always assumed that the publishers who turned down Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone did so because, in their opinion, it wasn’t good enough. Mr Indignant, however, is not so naive. He knows that there is a trick to getting published, a knack that has little or nothing to do with having written a book people might enjoy reading. Therefore, when he sees that a recently published writer will be appearing at his local bookshop, he pops along to demand the magic formula.

I met a particularly persistent Mr Indignant this week. He approached me with a fixed and slightly maniac grin, and opened the conversation by informing me that Bloomsbury (my publishers) had turned down his book. There followed an inquisition on how I had managed to worm my way onto their list which stopped just short of suggesting I possessed incriminating photographs of the managing director.

I know how miserable it is to hear the thud of your rejected manuscript on the doormat because it was happening to me not very long ago, but the only advice I feel qualified to give unpublished writers is: look up suitable agents and publishers in the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook and work your way through the list.

It is boring advice, perhaps, but it worked for me. In the end Mr Indignant gave me up as a bad job and cornered Rosamund, who is in charge of marketing Bloomsbury’s children’s books. The last I heard, he was telling her he’d already devised his own marketing strategy.

Listen with mother: I came home after the book tour, baggy-eyed with exhaustion and laden with presents, to an only mildly enthusiastic welcome from my four-year-old daughter. She had been staying with her best friend, Thomas, who has a bunk bed and an extensive collection of Batman toys – I can’t compete. In an attempt to whip up some excitement after the last Nicolsons’ interview, I turned on the radio that evening and told her she was about to hear mummy talking about her book. She looked at me in a pitying sort of way. “But I already know what you sound like, mummy.”

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Index ID: HPCOS — Publication date: July 2nd, 1998

Only the beginning of this text can be displayed here for research purposes. I apologize!

Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. Mr Vernon Dursley had been woken in the early hours of the morning by a loud, hooting noise from his nephew Harry’s room.

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What was the Name of that Nymph Again? or Greek and Roman Studies Recalled

Index ID: WNNA — Publication date: April, 1998

I enquire now as to the generis of a philologist and assert the following:
1. A young mang cannot possibly know what Greeks and Roman are.
2. He does not know wheter he is suited for finding out about them.

Friedrich Netizsche
Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen

There is nothing like a pithy quotation to get the bal rolling, so, in the noble tradition of undergraduates anxious to give the impression of extensive background reading, I have stolen one from a book I have never read. By happy chance, Donna Tartt chose this very gobbet to preface her novel The Secret History, which I have read. Tartt’s story concerns a group of American classics students who decide to recreate a bacchanal; the experiment goes awry when they inadvertently muder a farmer whilst cavorting across one of his fields late at night, accompanied by Dionysus and wearing nothing but bedspreads. If you ask me, the book would have benefited from the attentino of a scissor-happy editor, but it is undeniable page-turner and I doubt wether Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen is half as informative on the subject of hallucinogenic drugs.

However, I was not asked to contribute a book review (“asked to contribute”, how I love that phrase… that I should be asked to contribute to the Classics department magazine… the irony…) The point is that Nietzsche’s, ominous assertinos gave me pause for thought, and then a heaert gufaw, because the reason the Classics department of Exeter University ever let me in is a mystery right up there with anything the Bacchae got up to, a feeling I probably shared with the department once it reliased what it had done.

I arrived at Exeter enrolled for joint honours French and German, but it soon became apparent to me that what German and I needed was a clean break, with no empty promises about staying friends. It was then that I turned thoughtfully towards the Classics department. Somewhere along those unknown corridors, it was whispered, lurked a subsidiary course which went by the ngame of “Greek and Roman Studies”, and the word on the street was that one did not need any Greek or Latin to join up. This was fortunate, as my Latin consisted of the word cave, which I had gleaned from the Molesworth book.

I was uncomfortably aware as I entered the unfamiliar department that I knew pitifully little about what the study of Classics might involve. The Comprehensive I had just left had never dropped any hints; the headmaster’s ramblings about Herclitus had been admired about as much as his halitosis. Nevertheless, I had somewhere along the line gained the impression that Classics meant Culture. As far as I was concerned, behind these doors lay a world of mysterious, runic knowledge, and I was keen to be let in. I lingered furtively around a noticeboard for a while, trying to compose an eloquent plea for admission. Then, not entirely confident about my material, I knocked on the relevant door, entered, and I found myself face to face with a man I shall call Professor X (to shield him from the Aryan equivalent of a fatwah, as we shall see).

Profesor X had a moustache that positively shouted ancient learning and my nervousness increased. I explained why I had come and braced myself for a close examination of my non-existent classical credentials. I was taken aback when the first words from under that classical moustache were “You want to leave the German department? I don’t blame you.

I can’t remember another word we said to each other, but I am certain that none of Nietzsche’s quibbles came up. Possibly Professor X’s admirable antipathy towards the Germand department extended to Nietszche. Ten minutes after I had knocked at Professor X’s door, I was tripping ecstatically off to the book shop to buy a stack of stylish black-covered Penguins.

My mood of excitement was short-lived, however. I left my very first Classics lecture feelin that the whole thing would have been just as comprehensible in German, or indeed Kurdish. There were slides of fragments of vases and a commentary form a distinguished looking man that I was sure would be enthralling if I had the faintest idea what he was talking about. This was a level of bewilderment I had never reached before, which was saying something, because in those days I was so disorganised that turning up at the right lecture theatre was often more a matter of luck than judgement. I sat and listened with a mounting sense of a panic while all around me people scribbled assioduously with every appearance of understanding the gibberish issuing from behind the projector.

The odd thing is that I never, then or later, contemplated another change of subject. I was quite sure that the fault lay with me, not with Classics (whereas with German, I had been more sinned against than sinning).

The unfortunate man who had most to do with me during my classical career was Dr. Y. Dr. Y made quite an impression on me. Once, under the influence of too long a night in the Ram, I decided that what was missing from his life was a Valentine card signed with a quotation from Phaedra. A cunning touch, I felt; he would never guess it was from me, because I had never given him reason to suppose I’d opened Phaedra. Then again, the card must have arrived two days late, which might have given him a valuable clue.

Dr Y’s tolerance towards my frightening ignorance of his subject was awe-inspiring. The closest he ever came to admonishing me for my erratic attendance and propensity to lose every handout he gave me the moment we parted company was when he described me as sleepwalking around the place. This was said with an expression of mingled patience and amusement. I lived to regret repeating his remark to friends. It was sufficiently apt for them to repeat it rather more often thatn I found funny.

I had a vague idea that Dr. Y might help lift my fog of confusion if I asked him, directly, for help. The trouble was that I just couldn’t bring myself to reveal how dense the fog was. I was rell paid for this vanity the day we sat down to examine the life and times of a mass-murderer and bigamist called Theseus.

“What ist he most obvious question we should ask about Theseus?” said Dr. Y, throwing the debate wide open. The question that popped instantly into my brain was, “Did he really exist?” Naturally, I did not utter it aloud. I knew that would reveal only too clearly my unsuitability to find out about Theseus. I sat in bitter silence, knowing that what he wanted was one of those not remotely obvious questions these classical types kept asking, which where always the cue for comprehensible sotries to mutate suddenly into bizarre metaphors and symbols. Only the previous week a thrilling tale of kdinap starring one Persephone had turned out to be about crop storage.

A student we shall call Hugh, becasuse that was his name, broke the silence.

“Did he really exit?” he suggested lazily.

Exactly“, said Dr Y, with an approving smile.

A thousand curses. Just once, I could hav eearned an approving smile. I was sure my chance would never come again, and I was quite right. Twelve years later, it is still Dr. Y and smug Hugh who spring to mind whenever I teeter on the verge of posing a possibly stupid question.

Dr. Y was wearing his familiar expression of barely suppressed amusement when he told me two years later that I had passed the course. He admitted that given my disasstrous first paper he was rather surprised that I had managed it. I sat opposite im feeling that at long last, I had the advantage of him – I was much more surprised than he was.

There is no getting away from the fact that I did not get from teh Classics department what Dr. Y and his colleagues set out to give me, but that was my fault, not theirs. On the plus side, the farmers of Devon had no reason to fear me and my bedclothes stayed where they were supposed to. Greek and Roman Studies gave me a few things I value even more highly than my fond memories of The Frogs: two of the best friends I ever made at university, for instance, and the unforgettable experience of being lectured to by a person best known simply as Z. It was Z I had in mind when I created Professor Binns, a minor character in the novel I published last year. More than that I am not prepared to say; we all know how underpaid university lecturers are and I have no wish to be sued.

Perhaps, in the deepest and truest sense, I still don’t really know what Greeks and Romans are, but I’ve never entirely given up hope of lifting a little more fog. A shelf next to me as I tap out these words is dotted with books on Greek mythology, all of which were purchased post-Exeter. And I’m confident I know more than Dr. Y would have credited when I left his office for the last time: enough to inform a pair of bemused four year olds with whom I watched Disney’s latest ofering that Heracles definitely didn’t own Pegasus. That was Bellerophon, was any fule kno.

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