The J.K. Rowling Index

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Roz Adams has been awarded…

Index ID: RABA — Publication date: October 15th, 2024

Note: J.K. Rowling published this on Twitter. Original post:

Roz Adams has been awarded £35k for the harassment she suffered at Edinburgh Rape Crisis. She was subject to a ‘Kafkaesque’ ordeal for believing the centre should be allowed to discuss the natal sex of support workers with rape survivors.

As Roz says: ‘I don’t know how any organisation can claim to have women only spaces or services while not defining what a woman is or what female means.’ In 2023, Sandy Brindley, CEO of RCS, said ‘work was underway’ on a definition of women.

One year on and Brindley still hasn’t produced her definition. You might think the CEO of a service that claims to offer woman-only support would be able to say what a woman is, but Brindley is one of those whose ideology forbids any definition of women that excludes men.

Under Brindley’s stewardship, a trans-identified man was appointed to run the Edinburgh centre. Mridul Wadhwa believed rape victims who wanted single sex spaces needed ‘re-educating’ and gender critical staff should be dealt with by being fired.

Brindley and Wadhwa appear to have agreed that it is ‘progressive’ to pretend gender identity should supersede sex as the measure of what a woman is. This is in spite of the fact that 98% of sexual offenders are male (irrespective of how they identify) and 88% female.

They’re not alone, of course. Healthcare, academic and sporting bodies are currently riddled with managers who’re removing rights from adult human females in favour of men they consider ‘women’ due to paperwork or simple self-declaration.

We’ve already seen ample evidence of what happens when this ideology is imposed on institutions: sportswomen placed in serious physical danger, female prisoners incarcerated with rapists, girls’ honours taken by boys, predatory men taking full advantage of new conditions.

One direct consequence of Brindley’s ideological stance is that rape survivors have self-excluded from the Edinburgh centre, because of the toxic culture flourishing there. In 2022, a group of survivors tried to raise their concerns with Brindley at a meeting.

Their concerns were dismissed. Some survivors said they felt re-traumatised by the response they met from Brindley, and from her trans activist partner Sharon Cowan, who attended the meeting in spite of having no professional role at RCS at all.

Most shockingly of all, this year we learned that Cameron Downing, a now-jailed male sexual predator who’d previously tweeted that he wanted to ‘beat the fuck’ out of feminists, was allowed to access ‘support’ at the Edinburgh centre because he identifies as ‘non-binary.’

During sentencing, the judge highlighted Downing’s ‘hostility towards women, lack of concern for others, sexual preoccupation and deviant sexual preference’. When, if ever, are those committed to gender ideology going to admit they got it wrong?

How much more physical, emotional and mental harm will have to be done to women and girls, especially the most vulnerable, before gender ideologues like Sandy Brindley admit all they’ve achieved is furthering men’s rights at the expense of those they can’t define?

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