The J.K. Rowling Index

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The fringe idea that we all have a ‘gender identity’…

Index ID: FIGI — Publication date: March 3rd, 2025

Note: J.K. Rowling published this on Twitter. Original post:

The fringe idea that we all have a ‘gender identity’ that may or may not match our biological sex is the whole point of this discussion. Trans activists act as though the existence of ‘gender identity’ is a settled, self-evident point, when to the vast majority of the world it’s unevidenced, quasi-religious, pseudoscientific nonsense, which has been imposed top down on our society with serious consequences for vulnerable women and troubled youth in particular. Meaningful discussion about competing needs and rights cannot happen inside an elitist ideological bubble where everyone is forced to adopt gender ideology’s approved jargon, accept its self-contradicting slogans as fact and pretend fact-light assertions and feeble sophistry are critical thinking. You tell us to ‘educate’ ourselves, by which you mean, ‘adopt our beliefs unquestioningly,’ but at this point, most of us know your arguments off by heart. These include, but are not limited to: feelings trump facts and unless we agree we’re ‘erasing people from existence’; women and girls aren’t definable entities, so why should they be entitled to their own sports and single-sex spaces; clownfish and people with DSDs mean sex is ‘on a spectrum’ and ‘woman’ is a set of stereotypes associated with the female sex class, so it doesn’t matter if you’ve got a penis, if you identify with those stereotypes you’re ‘valid’. The reason we haven’t been won over by these talking points and remain so tragically ‘uneducated’ isn’t that we’ve failed to grasp the sophistication of your world view. It’s that we think you’re talking unadulterated bullshit and making fools of yourselves.

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